If We Must Have a Period, At Least let us Have Fun with It

I’ve been waiting for these since I saw the kickstarter campaign way back in February. Period Panties, what a brilliant idea!

Finally they arrived, yesterday, after some delay… and because I didn’t recognise where they were from or what they were I just opened the package. Miss Gremlin saw and was a bit weirded out, then Grand Master D came over to see what was going on and laughed heartily…It’s a fact of life, no point hiding it. One day he’ll have a wife and maybe daughters, so all the more reason to be aware and not afraid.

When My Lord Dr King got home, Miss Gremlin said “Show Dad what you got”… so I did, …it didn’t go well.

He saw one pair and the distain on his face was enough for me to retreat. NOT IMPRESSED.

Whatever, I think they’re hilarious and can’t wait to wear them…well, you know what I mean.

Can you just imagine the future reaction from My Lord Dr King? It’s bad enough I have a period but to make jokes, well….clearly, it’s not done. *eyeroll*


And so I’ll be rocking these bad boys on a regular basis, every 21-28 days.

We all have a period, so we might as well have a sense of humour about it.

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You want yours? Then just go to harebraineddesign.com. They have designs to suit everyone.

Comments 2

  1. What a colorful design you have here. Although, I have to admit, they are a bit scary. Actually, you don’t need to wear period panties during your period as long as you have a reusable menstrual cup inserted.

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