He Loves to Cook, therefore He’s a Keeper.

The King loves to cook, which is great because I really don’t. Well no that’s not true, I just don’t like the pressure of cooking dinner every night. I know that sounds whiny but it becomes a chore and not a love, especially when I cook it and the kids won’t eat it and when they ask what’s to eat then turn their noses up. I get really annoyed at that. I’m taking time and effort to make something that’s not mac and cheese or hotdogs and chicken nuggets, something nutritious and delicious for the whole family and then I have to fight to get them to eat. I think that’s my biggest frustration. By the end of the day I’m tired and irritated and don’t want the fight of dinner. I think I might need an Alice.steak collage

Sure some nights we get take out but that’s hard too because Miss Gremlin doesn’t like some of the regulars so I still have to make her dinner.

Other times the King will cook but he always wants to cook steak and again Miss Gremlin is the problem, also steak gets tiring after a while. I love steak but every other night is a bit boring. And he’s messy, Oh Lord is he messy!

But I always appreciate it when I don’t have to do it.

Here’ s what he cooks me! I’m very lucky.

If only he’d expand the repertoire just a little 🙂

Comments 8

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  1. Isn’t nice to get a break once in awhile? My husband and I trade off … I cook Monday-Thursday and he gets Friday through Sunday. I so look forward to Fridays and the weekends … it’s such a nice break. And, he cooks entirely different than I do so we get a nice variety of tastes.

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  2. My hubby loves to cook … for me and the kids, mainly because we appreciate his cooking and the kids like it better than when I cook (he likes to make the meals kid-friendly, I prepare stuff like vegetable broths which kids aren’t fond of). My mother in law doesn’t like his blending of American and Croatian cooking, and she prefers fish anyway, something the rest of us don’t really like.

    We are lucky women 🙂

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