Interview with a 9 year old

Miss Gremlin is my 9 year old Daughter, she is not your average 9 year old girl, she’s a tomboy, to the point of being very fussy with clothes. I refuse to let her wear boys clothes. If she could she’d wear boys clothes, boys underwear and anything else boyish. She has a wedge hair cut because long hair is no good. She is awesome. Nothing gets past this kid.  She’s very funny, just starting to get a cool sense of humour, so for fun I decided to interview her. Here’s what happened.

What is your favourite colour?

blue and green cos green is the colour of genius and blue is pretty

What is your favourite sport?


What is your favourite thing to do?

play lacrosse and watch tv on my laptop

What do you think about mummy blogging?

you don’t have to blog everything. Eg, when I busted my chin open you took pictures- weird mum

Who do you love most?

Between? that’s a weird question.. but the dog cos he’s retarded  special and he can’t yell at me.

What is your favourite book?

Charlotte’s web and Because of Windixie

What can you tell me about being in this family?

The weirdest experience in the world. And I get to taste wine so I’m good with it….

Do you like school?

Yes, I love it.

What do you love?

Science and my friends and how ridiculously stupid they can be sometimes, it’s amusing

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A world renowned physicist with a nobel prize hanging on my wall

Where do you want to live when you grow up?

I wanna live in suburban Australia because it’s my native land and I won’t have to wear sweaters in the winter

What do you love about Harlem?

The craziness of everyone and what people do on the streets. The diversity.

If you could change anything about your life what would you change?



So there’s a snapshot of a 9 year old mind. Should I be worried?

Comments 3

    1. Post
  1. This looks fun, I will have to do with this my kids and post it on my blog. It is fun how many times I changed my career choice as a kid. The interview would be fun to reread when they are older.

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