Changes Everywhere

Miss Gremlin graduated from elementary school on Tuesday. That’s 5th grade for those not up with US schooling.

Chess Time, Next Stop Nashville

It’s been a big couple of weeks for Miss Gremlin, she found out her new school, celebrated and now she’s heading to Chess Nationals again.

We found a village

Last week while we continued to wait to hear which school Miss Gremlin got into, she started to process what’s happening, her life is about to change and she’s beginning the grieving process of everything she’s ever known to change completely.

Exams, They Start Them Early in NYC

This weekend Miss Gremlin attended the admissions tests for the schools she’s applying for. The first one, which she really wants was a 3 hour exam which she sat for in Columbia University. She, along with 250 other children, took their test in an actual college lecture hall!

Middle School or Bust

We finally finished the middle school application process here that I have written about a bit over on my facebook page (I’m there a lot, it’s the instant gratification thing  🙂 )