Hello 2016, I mean 2018

After two entire years of writing nothing on my blog for fear of vilification during the controversial 2016 election year, I’ve come back to feel out if I had the heart to start again, and there it was, my very last draft post, waiting patiently to join the ranks of internet opinions, it feels like it could have been written last …

If We Make it Through Tomorrow….

It’s almost February, so far this year we’ve had no real snow to speak off, which is good considering the battering we received over the last couple of years. 

This isn’t Freedom

Here we are again, mopping up after a mass shooting. It’s sickening, it’s tragic, it’s horrific and yet…

Go Set A Watchman- Review

Saturday I read an entire book in one sitting. I’ve never done that before but I wanted to read it. Grand Master D has to read it for school so I also wanted to get finished so he could have it.

An Attitude That Must Change

The other night I posted something on facebook, a comment made by our current President in the wake of yet another mass shooting.